Learn about Japanese Sign Language, American Sign Language and Deaf Japanese Culture.
ASLized fosters the integration of American Sign Language (ASL) educational research into visual media and literacy. The main objective is to produce teaching and learning materials in ASL with two focuses: 1.) ASL literature, preserving culture and history and 2.) ASL Linguistics, promoting a better understanding of the complex structure and use of sign languages.
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Explore our Web site to learn how we are living our mission to promote and provide equal access to communication and learning for students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind.
Described Captioned Media Program
Texas Math Sign Language Dictionary
The Educational Resource Center on Deafness designed this dictionary to be an educational resource for Texas parents, teachers, and interpreters who work with deaf and hard of hearing students, and also the students themselves. This dictionary was developed for Texas, using the Math Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) curriculum, state adopted textbooks, and Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) resources to select the words.
Founded in 2003 by brothers Joel and Jed Barish, DeafNation, Inc. is the international leader in video content, news coverage, social networking and special events for the greater deaf and hard-of-hearing community. The company’s brand portfolio includes DeafNation Expo, 13th year of the world’s largest and most successful exposition for the deaf and hard of hearing community all over the United States and, an exclusive social network offering resources for the deaf and hard-of-hearing that provide in-depth coverage on current news, world activities and outstanding individuals.